8 Top Water Saving Tips

  1. Check your irrigation system for overspray and adjust it accordingly. 

  2. Cover pools and spas when not in use. 

  3. Use drip irrigation or low volume ray heads and a timer.

  4. Scrutinize your watering schedule.  Plants and perennials need deep and frequent watering while multiple start times for turf can reduce run-off and waste. 

  5. Maintain healthy soil by adding compost and increase water retention by using an organic mulch. 

  6. Mow your lawn to 3" - the ideal height for grass, and take the time to aerate as this will also reduce run-off.

  7. Consider losing your lawn and replacing it with drought-tolerant plants or an edible landscape. 8.  Collect and use rain water and grey water in your garden. 

  8. Collect and use rain water and grey water in your garden.


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Organic Vegetable gardening